Entering a Transaction

Tapping Add a new sale or a sale in the service transaction list displays a transaction form. You can use the form to view, modify or enter the details of a transaction or to perform an action for that transaction.

Further Information

This help topic describes the options in the form. If you require other introductory information, please refer to:

Options in this Form


Specify the date of the transaction. You can tap and hold to set the date to the current date.


This is displayed if Make Recurring has been selected from the add menu. Specify the interval between recurring transactions.

Account 1

Choose an account to link the transaction to. For product sales, choose an appropriate bank account or customer account.

Transaction Type

The transaction type defines whether money moves in or out of the account. The text displayed depends on the account selected as Account 1. Tap to toggle between two possible values.

((Description/Invoice Number-Salesandestimates))

Product 1

Choose a product.


Set the quantity of product being sold.

Price Each / Cost Each

For sales the price each is filled in automatically using information contained in the product details. Volume discount pricing can be applied by setting a range of prices for different quantities. Setting the Quantity field will recalculate Price Each but you can override this amount if you need to.

For purchases of stock, set the cost per item or the total cost in the Amount field. Easy Invoice keeps track of the average cost per unit and uses this amount to devalue the stock when you later enter sales.


Enter the value of the transaction. You can tap and hold to choose whether the value is inclusive or exclusive of VAT (alternatively tap action, followed by Show Excl-VAT or Show Incl-VAT).

VAT Rate

Specify the VAT rate. The field to the right displays the VAT content and the percentage rate. It is possible to enter the value of the VAT directly into the field, and Easy Invoice will show you the percentage rate.

This is available only if the business is registered for VAT, as specified in the Business Settings screen.


Optionally, you can enter details of the transaction. The details will appear as a line item on any PDF you generate.


Options in the add Menu:

Add Split

Adds a new line item (for example, to create separate line items on any PDF you generate from the transaction).

Note: You can delete a line item by setting Amount to zero, or by swiping from right to left and tapping Remove split.


Creates a new transaction by duplicating the transaction that you have opened. This provides a fast method to create a new transaction if it is similar to an existing one.

Make Recurring

Allows you to set up a recurring transaction. Tap Repeat to specify the period between transactions (such as every month). Each transaction generated will be a clone of the first (except the date).


Options in the action Menu:

Show Excl-VAT or Show Incl-VAT

Sets whether the Amount is inclusive or exclusive of VAT.

The default setting is determined by Amount Entry in the Settings screen.

This is available only if the business is registered for VAT, as specified in the Business Settings screen.

Send Invoice (sale only)

Produces a PDF sales invoice, which you can print, email or open as required.

Send Delivery Note (sale only)

Produces a PDF delivery note, which you can print, email or open as required.

Send Receipt (payment only)

Produces a PDF payment receipt, which you can print, email or open as required.

Send Credit Note (credit only)

Produces a PDF credit note, which you can print, email or open as required. This option is available only if Account 1 is a customer and Account 2 is an income account.

Add tick (sale only)

Marks the sale as „PAID”. A tick will appear against the sale to indicate that the customer has paid. You may want to use this option if you have not used Receive Payment.

Note: This option does not decrease the amount the customer owes. It is provided merely as a visual aid.

Remove tick (sale only)

This option is available only if you have opened a sale that was previously marked as „PAID” using Add tick. The option removes the tick and the „PAID” mark on the sale.

((Receive Payment))

((Go to Payment-Sale))

Send Invoice (purchase only)

Enables you to produce a PDF of the supplier’s sales invoice, which you can print, email or open as required.

Send Credit Note (credit only)

Produces a PDF of the supplier’s credit note, which you can print, email or open as required. This option is available only if Account 1 is a supplier and Account 2 is an expense account.

((Add tick-purchase))

((Remove tick-purchase))

((Make Payment))

((Go to Payment-Purchase))


FAQs View all
How can I get support if I need help using EasyInvoice? Show

If you need help, we have several options to meet your needs. Visit our Knowledge Center for tutorials and how-to articles. Or check out our video tutorials that cover the most frequently used EasyInvoice features. If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, you can contact us, and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you need help on the web version click on the blue Need Help button on the right hand side of the screen.

How many businesses can I have? Show

You can have up to 3 businesses with each subscription.

How many devices can I have? Show

You can have as many iOS, Android, Windows or Mac devices as you need to run your business. An example might be to use a device for a salesperson to invoice orders whilst with a client. Another might be for your bookkeeper to create reports in his office. Each device can have full access and update capability, or restricted abilities depending on the function you assign to them – See FAQ 11 for instructions on how to register and use new devices. Also, see Add other Users, which explains how to share EasyInvoice with colleagues.

How many invoices and estimates can I create? Show

You will have unlimited transactions for anything in EasyInvoice.

Can I share my business data with my partner, salesperson or accountant? Show

You can share specific businesses with up to 6 other users. This may be useful for sharing your business with your accountant or a business partner to specify what they can see, and whether they are able to add-to or edit business transactions. See Sharing for details about how to do this.

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