Entering Invoice Settings

Invoice settings are available on the Business Settings screen. The settings are optional, you should use them if you intend to use Easy Invoice to produce your estimates, invoices or statements.


Enter the address as you would like it to appear on the invoice, using the return key to separate each line. You can also add your office phone number and/or email address at the bottom of the address.


There is a space of 2cm height (0.8″) by up to 17cm (6.7″) wide at the top of the invoice. This space is reserved for your company logo. The image you provide is scaled to the height available, and aligned on the right of the page. Your business address is indented 4cm from the right side of the logo, so the best size for a company logo is 4 x 2 cm, or about 400×200 pixels. You can of course produce a complete 17cm x 2cm image for the whole top of the page. You can lay out the logo in whatever position suites you, aligning something in the image to the address would mean putting it at 13cm from the left side. If the image is less than 4cm wide, the image is aligned with the left hand side of the address.

Example Invoice Header

The image above shows the key dimensions for a good header image.

To set the logo in Easy Invoice, you pick from images stored on the iPad or iPhone. You can either produce the logo on the computer and sync with the device to transfer the image over, or if the image is available online, view it using Safari on the iPad and simply tap and hold on the image. You can save the image to your photo roll using this method.


If you need to include a signature on your invoices, prepare an image of your signature and store it in your iPad’s camera roll. Tap to select the signature to include in Easy Invoice.

Standard Terms

Your standard payment terms are displayed on invoices if you haven’t set specific terms for the customer. The payment terms occupy a space towards the bottom of the page. You would typically use this to assert your payment terms, such as „Payment is due 14 days from date of invoice”. You can also include your bank details for your customer to make direct transfers, and a note that all amounts are in your chosen currency; for example „All amounts above are in US Dollars”.

Standard Estimate Terms

Your standard estimate terms are displayed on estimates if you haven’t set specific terms for the customer. You may use this field to specify how long your estimates are valid for.


It is usual to use the footer to show your business address and company number(s).


Further Information

For details of how to carry out tasks related to Customer Invoicing, please refer to:

FAQs View all
How can I get support if I need help using EasyInvoice? Show

If you need help, we have several options to meet your needs. Visit our Knowledge Center for tutorials and how-to articles. Or check out our video tutorials that cover the most frequently used EasyInvoice features. If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, you can contact us, and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you need help on the web version click on the blue Need Help button on the right hand side of the screen.

How many businesses can I have? Show

You can have up to 3 businesses with each subscription.

How many devices can I have? Show

You can have as many iOS, Android, Windows or Mac devices as you need to run your business. An example might be to use a device for a salesperson to invoice orders whilst with a client. Another might be for your bookkeeper to create reports in his office. Each device can have full access and update capability, or restricted abilities depending on the function you assign to them – See FAQ 11 for instructions on how to register and use new devices. Also, see Add other Users, which explains how to share EasyInvoice with colleagues.

How many invoices and estimates can I create? Show

You will have unlimited transactions for anything in EasyInvoice.

Can I share my business data with my partner, salesperson or accountant? Show

You can share specific businesses with up to 6 other users. This may be useful for sharing your business with your accountant or a business partner to specify what they can see, and whether they are able to add-to or edit business transactions. See Sharing for details about how to do this.

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