Backing up Businesses

Tapping Backup in the Settings screen displays the Backup screen, which you can use to produce a backup of all data for one or more businesses. You can send the backup to an email address, or to other compatible apps that are installed on your device, such as Dropbox™.

You should back up your data regularly, such as every day or week, depending on the amount of data you are entering. It’s important, because if something goes wrong with your device, you could lose all information you’ve ever entered into Easy Invoice. You may also want to produce a backup to send data to a colleague who also uses Easy Invoice, such as an accountant.

Restoring a backup is quick and easy – a simple tap of the backup file starts the process. You can restore the backup to an iPhone, iPAD or Mac, irrespective of the device you used to produce the backup.

How to produce a backup
  1. In the Backup screen, select one or more businesses to back up.
  2. Tap Backup followed by:

Send by Email – if you want to send the backup as an attachment to an email address.

Open in (if available) – if you want to send the backup in a compatible app that is installed on your device.

Note: Easy Invoice backup files use the file name „Easy Invoice software version.easybooks_backup”.

How to restore a backup


  • You will be prompted to choose the businesses to restore. You do not need to delete those businesses first, since the data in the backup will overwrite any existing data for those businesses. Data for all other businesses you choose not to restore will remain unchanged.
  • Easy Invoice must be on your device before you begin, but there is no need to reinstall it. Be aware that all data is deleted if you remove and reinstall Easy Invoice.
  • If the backup was produced from an earlier version of Easy Invoice, it is upgraded automatically during the restore process. However, the reverse is not true – you can’t restore a backup to an earlier version of Easy Invoice.
  • If you have any worries about restoring data, you can always take a backup before you start, which gives you the option to retore that backup later if you need to.

To restore a backup sent by email:

  1. Forward the email to your device (if it is not already there).
  2. Tap the attachment and choose to Open in Easy Invoice.
  3. Tap Restore.
  4. Choose the businesses to restore and tap Restore.

To restore a backup stored in, for example, your Dropbox account:

  1. Launch the Dropbox app on your device.
  2. Find the backup file and choose Open in Easy Invoice.
  3. Tap Restore.
  4. Choose the businesses to restore and tap Restore.
Using Automatic Backups

We know it’s easy to forget to produce regular backups, so Easy Invoice has a service that provides a continuous online backup of your data and automatic synchronisation of data between the iPAD, iPhone and Mac. This is called „Online Syncing”.

Online Syncing gives you peace of mind, since if disaster should happen, you know that you have a copy of your business accounts online. You can try out the service for free for two weeks – just register for an account here


FAQs View all
How can I get support if I need help using EasyInvoice? Show

If you need help, we have several options to meet your needs. Visit our Knowledge Center for tutorials and how-to articles. Or check out our video tutorials that cover the most frequently used EasyInvoice features. If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, you can contact us, and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you need help on the web version click on the blue Need Help button on the right hand side of the screen.

How many businesses can I have? Show

You can have up to 3 businesses with each subscription.

How many devices can I have? Show

You can have as many iOS, Android, Windows or Mac devices as you need to run your business. An example might be to use a device for a salesperson to invoice orders whilst with a client. Another might be for your bookkeeper to create reports in his office. Each device can have full access and update capability, or restricted abilities depending on the function you assign to them – See FAQ 11 for instructions on how to register and use new devices. Also, see Add other Users, which explains how to share EasyInvoice with colleagues.

How many invoices and estimates can I create? Show

You will have unlimited transactions for anything in EasyInvoice.

Can I share my business data with my partner, salesperson or accountant? Show

You can share specific businesses with up to 6 other users. This may be useful for sharing your business with your accountant or a business partner to specify what they can see, and whether they are able to add-to or edit business transactions. See Sharing for details about how to do this.

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