Customer Aged Debt

Tapping Aged Debt in the Easy Invoice menu displays the report. From this screen, you can

  • Find out the level of credit you are giving your customers.
  • View a list of your best customers (in terms of sales).
  • Change the date range of the report.
  • Send the report by email, print it or open it in another app.
What does the report show?

The Customer Aged Debt report shows how much money you are (or were) owed on a certain date.

The aged debt table shows the amount of money owed by each customer split into time periods. The 0-14 period represents your unpaid sales invoices that were dated in the last 14 days (or 14 days before the end date set for the report). Similarly, the 15-30 period shows the value of unpaid sales invoices that were raised earlier (between 15 and 30 days ago). If your customers always pay your invoices within 30 days of the invoice date, you should not expect to see any values in the 31-45 day column or older.

The total column on the right shows the total value you are owed by each customer.

The total row on the bottom shows the total value in each period. Values shown in the columns 91+ and 61-90 indicate debt that is older than 60 days. These will adversely affect your cash flow and you may be advised to contact your customers to arrange payment.

How do I view a previous year’s report?

Use the back and forward buttons to change the report date quickly to the previous or next financial year.


Options in the clock Menu:

Change Date

You can set the date to any date and the report refreshes to show the new data.


Options in the action Menu:

This button is used to send or print the report. It uses the standard Apple sharing panel and allows you to send the report by email or AirDrop, print it to an Airprint-compatible printer or send it to another app such as Dropbox. Three file formats of the report are available.

As shown (HTML)

The HTML format will open in a web browser.

Comma separated (CSV)

The CSV format contains the same information and is more suited to importing into a spreadsheet.

Both (ZIP)

The ZIP format contains both the HTML and CSV files compressed into a single zip file.


FAQs View all
How can I get support if I need help using EasyInvoice? Show

If you need help, we have several options to meet your needs. Visit our Knowledge Center for tutorials and how-to articles. Or check out our video tutorials that cover the most frequently used EasyInvoice features. If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, you can contact us, and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If you need help on the web version click on the blue Need Help button on the right hand side of the screen.

How many businesses can I have? Show

You can have up to 3 businesses with each subscription.

How many devices can I have? Show

You can have as many iOS, Android, Windows or Mac devices as you need to run your business. An example might be to use a device for a salesperson to invoice orders whilst with a client. Another might be for your bookkeeper to create reports in his office. Each device can have full access and update capability, or restricted abilities depending on the function you assign to them – See FAQ 11 for instructions on how to register and use new devices. Also, see Add other Users, which explains how to share EasyInvoice with colleagues.

How many invoices and estimates can I create? Show

You will have unlimited transactions for anything in EasyInvoice.

Can I share my business data with my partner, salesperson or accountant? Show

You can share specific businesses with up to 6 other users. This may be useful for sharing your business with your accountant or a business partner to specify what they can see, and whether they are able to add-to or edit business transactions. See Sharing for details about how to do this.

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